Dynasty Martial Arts is a proud LTKKA charter school.
The largest Kenpo Association in the world with students and affiliate schools in over 25 countries.
Dynasty Martial Arts focuses on a unique karate program especially designed for children. We stress discipline through performing tasks when told, respect through bowing on and off the training floor and to fellow students. Kenpo Karate is a valuable asset for school studies because this is an excellent extra curricular program which develops concentration as well as physical skills. Attending each class and practicing for stripes and belt testing instills confidence and a sense of accomplishment.
Our Kenpo Karate program is entertaining as well as educational. It teaches not to do karate on others unless it is for self-defense. We emphasize that students should not bully others but to assist those who need help. Talk, Walk, Defend. We care for your child's progression and encourage parents to watch and help at home. We also encourage suggestions and questions to keep communication lines open.
Sets and forms develop memory, hand/eye co-ordination and speed. We offer an introductory lesson to get your child familiar with our program, then make a transition to the group classes. We also strive to place your child in the best class time where we feel your child will perform the best.
The DMA staff is fully qualified and licensed by Mr. Rob St. Jean. All of these high ranking instructors are concerned about your child's feelings and progress because they feel our entire school is affected by their performance. We are a team and strive for your support and confidence.