The Bujinkan is an international organization headed by Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi, Soke in Nodashi, Japan. It consists of nine schools with schools of both ninjutsu and samurai bujutsu. Training is done both with and without weapons to teach a complete life-protection system. It does not “specialize” in any particular kind of applications or techniques. Everything is used freely, including unconventional tactics. Training incorporates ninpo or the philosophy and mindset of the ninja.
-Ukemi, rolling and breakfalls
-Evasion / escaping from unarmed, armed or multiple attackers
-Use of historical, modern and improvised weapons
-Striking, joint locks, throws and grappling
-Armoured combat and Randori
-Scenario based and spontaneous self-defense
-Awareness and perception skills
-Strategy and tactics with emphasis on unconventional methods
-Ethical warrior mindset
We teach principle based body movements that are universal to unarmed and armed combat. This allows you to be effective and many different scenarios with many different weapons. Training is very informal and intuitive. We do not follow a step by step, or repetitive type of practice. Training is fluid, experience based and often improvisational.
Trevis Chandler has been training in the Bujinkan for 20 years. He became a licensed Shidoshi in 2009, passing the Godan test at the Hombu in Japan. Trevis regularly travels to Japan, California and other Bujinkan Dojos for training and seminars. He has experience in many other martial arts, certified in first-aid and is a certified fitness instructor.