Rockland, Ontario's oldest continuously operating Martial Arts school dedicated to providing high quality instruction. Our school is affiliated with International Martial Arts Organizations that support the advancement of the Martial Arts Way. Rising Sun Martial Arts was established in 1992 by Sensei André Durocher, President and Head Instructor. Our first classes were taught in the Bernard Lapointe Hall, Ste-Trinity Church. We relocated into our current building in 1999. At our school we have qualified and dedicated instructors who continually work on improving themselves and upgrading their skills by regularly attending Martial Arts Symposiums taught by International Masters. Currently we offer classes in Karate, Kobudo, Self Defense, Jiu-Jitsu, Grappling, MMA, Kickboxing and a Little Dragons Class
Our mission here at Rising Sun Martial Arts is to empower, encourage and inspire Martial Arts Excellence in individuals ready to enter into a journey of lifestyle transformation, by providing them with the tools of our knowledge and expertise in the discipline of Martial Arts.
If Rising Sun Martial Arts sounds like the school you have been looking for and you too desire to strive for Martial Arts Excellence then we would be glad to meet with you, show you around our facilities and introduce you to our Instructors.